The Top 10 Law of Attraction Techniques for a Better Life (pt.2)

February 16, 2017

A continuation of the best and most acclaimed Law of Attraction techniques. Also, other helpful resources to helping you achieve the best results.

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A Prelude

If you haven’t read the first 5 techniques of this series, I would strongly suggest you do so, here. I find  most of these techniques work best when combined. Many of them play off of one another, and sometimes you may not be able to execute one of them without their complimentary technique.

Law of Attraction may seem like a no-brainer when you first learn about it, but because we as humans can be very complex, the process in making it work for our best interest can be too. Another thing to keep in mind is that there are also many other laws of the universe that are at play. All parts of life are connected. Even if you try to make one aspect perfect, you are not guaranteed happiness. You need to consider all aspects, and therefore all laws as well. In future articles, I will be discussing these laws in more detail. I hope that this article will be helpful in bringing forth your best self, and therefore naturally tuning your life into something wonderful.

Let us continue our discussion on some super helpful Law of Attraction techniques, learned from the best:

The Techniques Continued

6.  Affirmations

If you are unfamiliar with this technique, it consists of positive written phrases that you read repeatedly every day. They are meant to inspire, energize and help re-frame your negative beliefs. Some people have had great luck with these but others like myself, (in the beginning of my journey), have not. The reason these may not take is because our negative beliefs may be so deep rooted that our subconscious cannot believe these positive things, and therefore it rejects them. A simple trick for affirmations related to yourself, is to phrase them like this: “On my best days and moments… I am beautiful.”  You can also rephrase the “I am beautiful” part to “I feel beautiful.” This is a subtle difference, but often when we don’t believe we are pretty, wealthy, or awesome on our best days (at the very least) we feel we are in certain moments.

7. Surround Yourself with Positive People and Environments

Have you ever heard the idea that smiles are contagious? Well, this technique is like that, but on steroids. There has been many studies done around this, and one of the interesting facts is that your income is reflective of the 5 people you surround yourself with. Now, money is not everything and I am not saying dump your best friend because they are poor. But, be aware of how they talk about money, themselves, and you. You may find out they aren’t so pleasant after all. Or, they are awesome to be around, just their own dream life hasn’t quite manifested yet.

In any case, it’s always best to lead by example, but if all of your friends are struggling with money, gossip a lot, and are always complaining well, I am sorry to say but it is time to make new friends. If you want to live a more abundant and joyous life, unfortunately there are some sacrifices you have to make. You may think you will regret it, but I can assure you, you won’t. As it turns out, not just smiles are contagious but positive attitudes, beliefs, and lifestyles are too!

8. Being Conscious

This is a BIGGY. I cannot stress enough the importance of being conscious! Although Law of Attraction experts may not say this directly, you may notice it is common thread in all the techniques. You have to be aware in order to change your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. You have to be aware of all the amazing things around you to be gracious. You have to be aware of your dreams and goals in order to achieve them. Getting clear and aware of yourself and what you want is invaluable. But being conscious takes practice! Seriously, it can be really tough at first, and even tiring as you feel like you are always auto-correcting. But no worries, because it gets easier and eventually second nature. Or, not as needed because your positive habits now have taken place so there is no “correction” needed. One of the most helpful books I have found for practicing this technique is Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now

A continuation of the best and most acclaimed Law of Attraction techniques. Also, other helpful resources to helping you achieve the best results.

9. Meditation

OK, so I can’t talk about being conscious without talking about the big M. Even if you don’t do it, you at least know in general what it is, right….? In case, it is not clear, seriously, just go google it because it is super simple, (and super complicated, depending on who you talk to). I personally like to KISS (keep it simple stupid) by doing the following; sit upright, close your eyes, deep breath, and concentrate on this breathbe in your body, fully in the moment. Be still and quiet with relaxing music or sounds, or nothing at all.

This process helps you many ways, but mostly it helps you start practicing to be conscious. Which as mentioned above, will enhance all the other techniques. For example,  you can amp up the other techniques by turning them into a mediation, such as the envisioning exercise. Or, you can get really fancy and get special meditation music such as Pure Binarual Beats, which will get those brainwaves where you want them to be, for optimal and possibly quicker results.

10. Inspired Action

This one is always tied to being conscious because to take action that inspires you, you have to be aware of, well, what inspires you! Taking action is absolutely necessary for any change to happen in your life, especially big things. However, if you take mindless action you will end up going around in circles and not get very far. To take inspired action is to take action with positive intention and do the tasks that excite you or that you feel intuitively is correct. Even if logic tells you otherwise (to an extent) this is always the best path to take. Because you are then living with integrity and purpose and therefore you will be happier, on many levels. And don’t worry because when you live in line with your spirit, the universe will support it in many amazing ways.

The Journey is Just Beginning

I could probably write for days and days about Law of Attraction because there are so many helpful tools and techniques out there to live a great life. Also, each technique is multi-faceted, so there is always more to learn. For now, please enjoy what I feel are the most important and supported techniques. As well as the most helpful tidbits for each one. However, I don’t want to leave you here. I believe there is something inherently missing from the Law of Attraction world and I would like for you to read about it here.

In that post, you can find more pieces of advice that will enhance these techniques even further. As well as some necessary knowledge to get these tools to actually work.

Also, be sure to comment below on what technique you find most helpful, or anything else you feel the need to share. I look forward to hearing from you! One more thing: our newsletter has tons of great resources that can help you perfect these techniques, as well as other tools that can help you on your seeking journey!

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