The Top 10 Law of Attraction Techniques for a Better Life (pt.1)

February 16, 2017

The best and most acclaimed Law of Attraction techniques that I have learned over the last decade.Also, additional tidbits for the best outcome!

What is Law of Attraction?

I am sure many of you already know what Law of Attraction is, since it has pretty much taken over the internet in the last decade (or so it seems). But, just in case you don’t, here is a short explanation:

The universe has many “laws” that all things abide to. For example, the law of gravity, or karma (what you put out, you get back), which many people view as a law. The Law of Attraction compliments the karmic law, as it says that you attract in your life, things that are in your vibration. Your vibration is your energetic field. Many things create this, such as your thoughts, behaviours, what you eat, etc.  You can even hold other people’s energy in your field as well.

In a nutshell, Law of Attraction says that you need to have your vibration positive and high if you want the finer things in life, which can include everything from a nice house to a loving marriage. Or, it could just simply be whatever you uniquely desire. How we get our energy high and positive, is what these techniques help you to achieve.

The Techniques

1. Gratitude

No one can deny the power of gratitude. It really does have amazing results in shifting your mood and energy. Everyone can find at least 5 things a day to be grateful for. Even if it is simple things like being glad the sun is out today, or that you have indoor plumbing. From my experience, the best way to execute this technique is writing down 5 things every day in a format such as, “I’m so happy and thankful that…” If you are having trouble with this, just thinkyou are reading this on some sort of technology, which likely means you are not located on some barren land with no food and shelter, in the middle of war. Most of us are complaining about 1st world problems, and really we should be in ecstasy with the amount of privilege and convenience we DO have.

2. Dream BIG/Dream Board

Honestly, this one is so common, I think they are starting to make jokes about it on sitcoms. But on a serious note, it IS valuable. As Richard Branson and many that followed him said, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re too small.” Meaning, you need to dream about things that scare you in a positive way. Dreams that excite you so much, you are willing to push through in order to reach them. Because in the end, if we think about what we will regret at the end of our lives, it will mostly be of things we DIDN’T do. So really, what do you have to lose by at least trying? The dream board is way of having a visual reminder of your goals and aspirations. The idea is that you put on a poster board (or something similar), pictures that represent what you want in your lifeThese pictures can be of a happy and healthy family, a new car, vacations, business goals, etc. They can even include images of words and quotes. The exact pictures aren’t that important—the point is that it creates the feelings that you want such as; fun, joy, peace, success, etc.

3. Envisioning

This one goes hand-in-hand with the previous one, as well as the next one I will discuss. It is a focused day-dreaming exercise. Often, you are told to close your eyes or look at your dream board while doing this. Besides just imagining you are living your life dream, you have to put more effort into these day dreams. Many say to imagine with ALL of your senses, as if it happening to you right now in the present. Ask yourself, “How does it feel, touch, taste, smell, and look?” It is also great to do this before bed or right as you wake up, so it really seeps into your subconscious.

The best and most acclaimed Law of Attraction techniques that I have learned over the last decade.Also, additional tidbits for the best outcome!

4. Writing Goals and Visions

Sometimes just envisioning something can be difficult as our minds like to wander. However, fine-tuning these visions by writing them out, helps us determine what we really want. It is best not to be too specific and not too general either. Often what will show up may not be exactly what we wanted, but it will be the same feelings and experiences. It may even end up being better than we imagined! Also, another tip suggested for this exercise is to write it in present tense, as if it has already happened or is happening now. The idea is that our subconscious does not know the difference between the past or present. So, if you combine it with your envisioning exercise, it will think it IS happening. Therefore, any beliefs of you thinking it CAN’T happen, will be lessened much more. It is tricking your brain into thinking it already did happen so it thinks, “Of course it can happen again!” You can even use this trick with your gratitude list—simply write things that haven’t happened yet. For example: “I am so grateful and happy that I now have a fulfilling career that provides me with financial freedom.”

5. Intend and Then Surrend(er)

Practicing the envisioning exercises, comes with intention. Meaning, you intend to have these things happen and have them happen positively. Even before writing them out, make your intentions clear. Be mindful of what you want to get out of the exercise. Finally, know what achieving these goals will mean to your life and  those around you. There is no point in achieving these things if you intend to do so “no matter what,” as this could mean hurting others or even yourself in the process. While you are looking to achieve your dream life, it is important that you do so with integrity and honor. This why it is also important to have these visions include something that is about giving back in some way. After all, we all count in what we do. Even if it is being an honest worker, that is still a noble intention and counts towards contributing to your community, society, and even the world.

Now that clear and moral intentions are set and your dreams are big and beautiful, it is time to let go. Let go of the need to control every detail on how it you think it should happen. There really is a higher/divine hand in your life and everywhere. Let it work for you as well. Also, surrender the idea that “it has to happen, or I will die and life will suck.” What some people don’t understand is that what we really want in our “dream” lives are things like happiness, health, love, freedom, etc. The way this manifests is the “things” we are after and what we put pictures up of.  But the end goal is not the “things” that are sought after, but the positive feelings and emotion they bring.

Stay Tuned…

Because this is a lot to digest, and you may want to get going on putting these into practice, I have continued the Law of Attraction techniques on another post. You can find the information here. Otherwise, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the first 5. Have you tried any of them? How are they working for you? Is there anything you would like me to add? Also, for more tips and techniques like these, feel free subscribe to our newsletter!

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  • Reply sandhya Avinash December 29, 2018 at 12:06 AM

    Thank you Sarah…

    • Reply Sarah March 23, 2023 at 12:45 PM

      Your Very Welcome! Be sure to sign up to our newsletter before April 2 and I have a FREE course for you!

  • Reply jessica morgan July 18, 2019 at 6:49 AM

    Thank you sharing this wonderful story. It has increased my belief in law of attraction even more.
    jessica morgan recently posted…How to read the signs from The UniverseMy Profile

    • Reply Sarah March 23, 2023 at 12:51 PM

      Hi Jessica! Your very welcome! So sorry for the late reply- some comments have got lost in the mix and took a step back from the site for awhile. However, be sure to sign up to the newsletter (can find the opt-in on the homepage or many other places on the site) and I will send you a FREE course! Take care!

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